
Showing posts from November, 2007

Am i being Myself???

"It's the journey what matters not the end destination...." "It is the phase of hope and anticipation which is cherishable than the acquisition..." "It is the pleasant waiting with excitment that matters than attaining the culmination of the desire..." How many of them have you come across? But there are no such advices given when the waiting turns bitter... What should one do when his most honest desire would make him wait for indefinite periods where in he loses faith in hope? What should one do when his waiting unbearable, makes him so small to get it at any cost? The aftermath of such thoughts would be: "A man decent to his own self looks Stronger to outer world but feels cheated within himself!!!" To Lose one's value with his own self is the worst feeling an optimistic can go through... Horrible it is to get down a step by one's own principles Just because he was misused by selfish people around You face a dilemma within: "T...