Bhagavadgeeta - Adhyaya 4
Bhagavadgeeta - Adhyaya 4 Chapter #: 4 Chapter Name: Jnana Karma Sanyasa Yoga ( ಜ್ಞಾನಕರ್ಮಸಂನ್ಯಾಸಯೋಗಃ) Total verses (slokas) in this chapter: 42 Adhyaya - 4, Jnana Karma Sanyasa Yoga Chapter of Gita (here after referred as BG) - In this chapter, Krishna reveals how spiritual knowledge is received by disciplic succession and the reason and nature of His descent into the material worlds. Here He also explains the paths of action and knowledge as well as the wisdom regarding the supreme knowledge which results at the culmination of the two paths. It states that, man has to cleanse his mind only through his Karma and only then he is eligible to gain Jnana. This chapter has some most popular verses which are quoted often. Few of them are: Krishna Says: To protect the righteous, to annihilate the wicked, and to reestablish the principles of dharma I appear on this earth, age after age. ಪರಿತ್ರಾಣಾಯ ಸಾಧೂನಾಂ ವಿನಾಶಾಯ ಚ ದುಷ್ಕೃತಾಮ್ । ಧರ್ಮಸಂಸ್ಥಾಪನಾರ್ಥಾಯ ಸಮ್ಭವಾಮಿ ಯುಗೇ ಯುಗೇ ॥ 4-8॥ Krishna Says:...