Ever thought in these lines???

Have you ever thought more than what you could think? wait a min... im not kidding...

Take an example: our maths teacher taught us "Dear Students, 1+ 0 = 1 and 1-0 = 1 because 0 means nothing!!"... We accept it!! Teacher then says, "1*0 = 0 because 0 is nothing!!"..We accept it!! Again, teacher says, "1/0 = infinity"...We accept it!!

Did you ever think, when 0 is nothing, how can 1/0 be something so large like infinity????? Did you ever think why we accept things so easily even before we are sure that we are convinced? There might be hundreds of proofs to prove that 1 / 0 is infinity... But did we ever ask for one before accepting the so called fact?

Take another example: You are working on a tool which would let you perform some specific tasks. One fine day you find that the tool's internal logic is stupid enough than what u think it should be. How many of us would go further and correct that stupidity? We would rather simply get down to the stupid level of performing and close the task saying this was a crappy tool. Believe me, not always we get thinking on high terms and when we get it, isnt it very sad to know how easily we ignore it!

Above examples were simple ones. Did you ever ponder upon some hard core human values in a manner more than what we could accept before being convinced?

Just think, can we think a lil more extent before stopping ourselves by being satisfied of current results?

Please let me know, if this post has left any of you thinking while closing this tab :)


Greek said…
division by 0 is infinity???
i thought dividing a number by 0 is not possible :p
Rups said…
@greek: Well, Algebra, Calculus, limits... does that ring a bell???? 1/x approaches infinity when x approaches 0.... ;-)
Greek said…
Algebra, Calculus ...(my door bell just rang :p) ...limits? whatz that ,'-)
Ok herez a different perception about 1/x apporaches infinity when x approaches 0 .... (the author doesnt have copyrights so itz cool)

this is how it goez....

For one thing, when you divide one number by another, you expect the result to be another number. Look at the sequence of numbers 1/(1/2), 1/(1/3), 1/(1/4), ... . Notice that the bottoms of the fractions are 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, ..., and that they're going to zero. If there's a limit to this sequence, we would take that number and call it 1/0, so let's see if there is.
Well, the sequence turns out to be 2, 3, 4, ..., and that goes to infinity. Since infinity isn't a real number, we don't assign any value to 1/0. We just say it's undefined.

But let's say we did assign a value. Let's say that infinity is a real number, and 1/0 is infinity. Then look at the sequence 1/(-1/2), 1/(-1/3), 1/(-1/4), ..., and notice again that the denominators -1/2, -1/3, -1/4, ..., are going to zero. So again, we would want the limit of this sequence to be 1/0. But looking at the sequence, it simplifies to -2, -3, -4, ..., and it goes to negative infinity. So which would we assign to 1/0? Negative infinity or positive infinity? Instead of just assigning one willy nilly, we say that infinity isn't a number, and that 1/0 is undefined.

- Dr. Ken

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