Bhagavadgeeta - Adhyaya 8
Bhagavadgeeta - Adhyaya 8 Chapter #: 8 Chapter Name: Akshara Brahma Yoga ( ಅಕ್ಷರಬ್ರಹ್ಮಯೋಗಃ ) Total verses (slokas) in this chapter: 28 Adhyaya - 8, Akshara Brahma Yoga Chapter of Gita (here after referred as BG) - Arjuna urges Krishna to tell him about the nature of the Self, God, and action. ... Krishna explains that true freedom is "union with the deathless," or God. He defines action as the Self's creative power that "causes the whole world to be." Human beings will enter whatever state they are in at the moment of their death. BG: This entire chapter has answers to these 8 questions from Arjuna: Arjun said: O Supreme Lord, what is Brahman (Absolute Reality), what is adhyātma (the individual soul), and what is karma? What is said to be adhibhūta, and who is said to be Adhidaiva? Who is Adhiyajña in the body and how is He the Adhiyajña? O Krishna, how are You to be known at the time of death by those of steadfast mind? ಕಿಂ ತದ್ ಬ್ರಹ್ಮ ಕಿಮಧ್ಯಾತ್ಮಂ ಕಿಂ...